From 1991 our company deals with the processing, the research and the commercialisation of fashion accessories on the italian and international markets.
Thanks to decades of experience, we can boast of having a deep knowledge of the products and the materials we treat, as well as a great attention for our client’s needs.
The speed of the service and the attention in following the product in every step of his realisation has always characterized our work.
We are mainly specialized in selling every kind of buttons (mother-of-pearl, horn, polyester etc…), nylon zippers, metal zippers and die-lasted ones. We also deal with small items, tapes, elastics and every other fashion accessorie.
One of our strenghts is the possibility to recover the accessories with fabric when it is possible.
Most of our products are Made in Italy and they can be customized according to the client’s needs. Furthermore it is possible to require specific samples during the research.
During the years we have been working with many clients, including big multinationals, that have always been satisfied about our work and every year they renew their trust in us to continue growing together.